I don't like being a 'fool' I told you what I tell you, at the end, ppl come tell back me what I told you. Its a circle? Ppl simply tell them their thing because they do trust on you. But not tell for fun. I'm not that moron. Want tell and don't want tell repeat this like few time. If I do so, there must be difficulty for me to tell. I wanna share with the ppl I trust and respect the most. But at the end, I don't want get the extra feedback from other ppl. I stop my mind for telling also because if that ppl don't care why for I that ppl? You think this ppl will care? There might few thing come out, he care,he don't care and he don't care + backstap on you. 1/3chance you will get the answer that might comfort you well.
And do not simply make this kind of joke. It lame. And what if ppl make this kind of joke with you? I dunno how differ joke or true. So now I not going to care everything even it's real. I will not ask, I just tell what I heard. I won't simply add in comment. If I tell you something, there must be a real thing that I heard from other. P/s I don't creating story. Because I'm not a story creator.